

The arcBoxCollision method is a specialized function within the Collision class designed specifically for detecting collisions between an arc-shaped entity (potentially representing the player) and a rectangular box-shaped entity (potentially representing a wall) in the game world.



  1. Distance Calculation:
     const distX = Math.abs(arcX - rectX - size / 2);
     const distY = Math.abs(arcY - rectY - size / 2);
    • The method starts by calculating the distance between the center of the arc entity and the center of the box entity along both the x and y axes.
  2. Overlap Check:
     if (distX > size / 2 + radius || distY > size / 2 + radius) {
       return false;
    • It then checks if the distance along the x-axis is greater than the sum of the sizes of the arc and the box. If true, there is no overlap along the x-axis, and the method returns false.
    • Similarly, it checks if the distance along the y-axis is greater than the sum of the sizes. If true, there is no overlap along the y-axis, and the method returns false.
  3. Collision Check:

    If the above conditions are not met in the overlap check, the method proceeds to check for collision in more detail:

     if (distX <= (size / 2) || distY <= (size / 2)) {
       return true;
     const dX = distX - size / 2;
     const dY = distY - size / 2;
     return (dX * dX + dY * dY <= (radius * radius));
    • If the distance along the x-axis is less than or equal to half the size of the box, there is a collision along the x-axis.
    • If the distance along the y-axis is less than or equal to half the size of the box, there is a collision along the y-axis.
    • It performs a circular collision check to ensure the arc does not intersect with the corners of the box.
  4. Result:
    • If any of the collision conditions are met, the method returns true, indicating a collision between the arc and the box. Otherwise, it returns false.


The primary purpose of this method is to determine whether an arc-shaped entity, such as the player, is in collision with a box-shaped entity, such as a wall. It takes into account both the size of the box and the radius of the arc, ensuring an accurate collision detection mechanism that considers the geometry of the entities involved.