
Undead Bytes Developer Documentation

Undead Bytes is built with HTML5 Canvas, CSS and pure JS, it has one single dependency - stats.js.

Play the game here.

Table of Contents

Application Structure

The application structure is as follows:

├── build                     # Electron app build resources
├── dist                      # Output folder for compiled game
├── docs                      # Reserved for Github
├── node_modules              # Reserved for NPM
├── releases                  # Output folder for compiled executables
├── src                       # Application source code
│   ├── app                   # Electron app and IPC code
│   ├── browser               # Game code
│   |   ├── css               # Styles
│   |   └── lib               # Game logic
│   |   |   ├── Audio         # Audio FX handling
│   |   |   ├── Ballistics    # Weapon and bullet handling
│   |   |   ├── Entity        # Game entities (player, enemies, walls, items etc.)
│   |   |   ├── Events        # Custom event dispatchers
│   |   |   ├── Levels        # Game levels
│   |   |   ├── Scene         # Canvas scene manager 
│   |   |   ├── Collision.js  # Entity collision logic
│   |   |   ├── Game.js       # Game instance and management logic
│   |   |   ├── Renderer.js   # Entity canvas rendering logic
│   |   |   └── Storage.js    # Storage handling for saved games and settings
│   |   ├── views             # Game view template
│   |   ├── config.js         # Game base configuration values
│   |   ├── index.js          # Game entry point
|   |   └── util.js           # Various utilities
│   ├── shared                # Shared resources
│   |   ├── assets            # Shared assets (images, audio etc.)
│   |   └── version.js        # Dynamically generated version file
│   ├── main.js               # Entry point for the electron app
│   └── preload.js            # Electron app preloader
├── LICENSE                   # The license file
├── package-lock.json         # Reserved for NPM
├── package.json              # NPM dependencies and project configuration
└── README.md                 # This file
└── webpack.config.js         # Build configuration

Development Setup

To get started, follow these simple steps.

  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone git@github.com:sentrychris/undeadbytes.git
  2. Install the build dependencies:

    npm install
  3. Build the game:

    npm run game:build

You should now have a working version of Undead Bytes output to your dist/ folder.

Serving through the browser

If you have http-server installed, you can run the game on a local web sever by running npm run game:serve:web in your console.

Testing the desktop app

If you want to test the electron-based desktop app, you can run npm run game:serve:windows for Windows or npm run game:serve:linux for Linux / MacOS.

Building a standalone desktop app

If you want to build a standalone electron-based desktop app executable, you can run npm run game:build:standalone, this will output a standalone executable to releases/${platform}/${arch}.

Building an installer

If you want to build an exe/pkg/deb installer for the electron-based desktop app, you can run npm run game:build:installer, this will output an installer to releases/${platform}/${arch}.