

import { APP_VERSION } from '../shared/version.js';

 * Game configuration and defaults.
 * @category Game
 * @memberof Game
 * @module configuration
export const config = {
  version: APP_VERSION,
  cell: {
    radius: 60,
    size: 150,
  game: {
    savesLocalStorageKey: 'undeadbytes-saves'
  player: {
    health: 100,
    speed: 5,
  pickups: {
    size: 75,    // Default render size (config.cell.size / 2)
    ammo: false, // Ammo pickup values are handled by ballistics on a per-weapon basis
    health: 25,  // Health is depleted in increments of 25, so regain a depleted "unit"
    stamina: 7.5 // Speed is set to 5, use 7.5 when stamina is picked up
  device: {
    keyboard: {
      up: false,
      down: false,
      left: false,
      right: false
    mouse: {
      x: 0,
      y: 0,
      pressed: false
  volumes: {
    fx: {
      weapon: 0.5,
      snippet: 0.5,
    soundtrack: 0.5